YES-IELTS Glossary of Terms

YES-IELTS Glossary

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A type of cohesive device.

In this case, words are omitted when the phrase would otherwise be repeated.

For example: The boy and the girl went to the shop where they bought an ice cream each. The boy bought a chocolate flavoured ice cream and the girl bought a caramel ^ one. He asked for his ^ in a cup, she ^ a cone. Afterwards, they went to the park.

^ The words flavouredice cream, and asked for hers in a have been omitted.



Flexibility means that that the student can use different words or phrases to describe the same thing (for example, synonyms).


If the vocabulary is used fluently, it flows naturally, effortlessly, accurately, and eloquently.

fully flexible

The ability to use a wide range of sentence structures with ease.



Grammatical range and accuracy

One of the four band descriptors for IELTS writing.



Inappropriacy is the opposite of appropriacy

Appropriacy refers to whether a word is suitable for the context it is being used in. It is an important aspect of language but an extremely complex one, as decisions about how to say things depend on understanding exactly what is right for the context and the culture.



less common lexical item

This is similar to less common vocabulary.

Lexical items include not only words, but also parts of words, phrasal verbs, sayings, collocations, idioms, and expressions.

less common vocabulary

Less common vocabulary includes using such items as idioms and expressions. You can develop your “less common” vocabulary by reading widely in English.

IELTS-Simon has a short but good post about this here:

lexical features

Lexical features include collocations, writing style, idioms, word form, and spelling.


Lexical Resource

One of the four band descriptors for IELTS writing.

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